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Important nutritional information on cat food

 Protein is crucial for your cat's health, and generally comes from fish, meat or poultry. Advertisers will often say their brand is beef, turkey or mackerel flavoured, but it may not actually contain those products, meaning it may not be rich in protein. Always ensure the food you buy but your cat has a sufficient amount of protein in it, irrespective of the flavour.

Cat Food Fact #2 Cat Food with Taurine Taurine is an important amino acid for your cat, and you should also check that the food you buy contains this supplement. Cats control their own levels and indicate these with their appetite. If you cat is eating a lot, the food you are buying may not have enough nutrients for a balanced diet. You can watch your cats weight by buying a nutrient rich food as your cat will eat less and you might even save money.

Cat Food Fact #3 Canned or Dry Cat Food? Cats require a varied diet, including a mixture of canned and dry food. Contrary to opinions that it doesn't matter, buying only one type of food because of convenience or price is a mistake, and can harm your cat's health. When the cat is alone or unattended for a period, carbohydrate rich dry food should be left out for your cat with a supply of fresh water. Tinned food is higher in protein due to the meat content, and contains higher water levels. Both are essential for a balanced diet, and a combination of both dry and canned food will keep essential variety in the diet and prevent the cat from seeking food elsewhere.

Cat Food Fact #4 Avoid fillers in cat food Protein is essential for your cat as part of a balanced diet. Ensure the food you buy is rich in protein, and not overly full of carbohydrates, common fillers used by manufacturers to build out volume. Always read the label, and check for overly high levels of carbohydrate and other by-products in the cat food.

About the author:

Jay Moncliff is the founder of a website specialized on Cat Food, resources and articles. This site provides updated information on Cat Food. For more info visit his site: Cat Food

 Jay Moncliff

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