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How to Clean Cat Urine

 When cat urine seeps through carpet, into padding and down to the floor beneath, it can give your home an unpleasant aroma (to say the very least!). In almost all cases, cat urine is the worst perpetrator of pet stains and pet odors. If you own a cat, it's important for you to know how to clean cat urine stains.

The color of cat urine and its staining potential will often depend on dietary habits, age and sex of the cat, whether the cat is on medication, and the health of the cat. Urine can saturate absorbent materials such as carpet and padding, upholstery and mattresses well beyond the surface area that can effectively be cleaned. It is extremely difficult to remove all of the urine from inside of these materials. Even after a thorough cleaning, stains and odors often remain.

Tips on how to clean cat urine from the carpet:

Removing cat urine from your carpet can be one of the most difficult cleaning tasks, since it produce an especially persistent, unpleasant odor and amber-colored stains, so here are a few things you can do to eliminate them, when the "accident" is happens.

First, blot up as much of the urine as possible with a soft, clean white cloth or absorbent paper towel. Press down firmly (do not rub) for 30 seconds. The more fresh urine you can remove before it dries, the simpler it will be to remove the odor. Remove the towel and repeat the process until the area is fully dried. Rinse the "accident zone" thoroughly with clean, cool water. After rinsing, remove as much of the water as possible by blotting it up. Next, you have some options on how to clean cat urine from the carpet:

1. Baking soda works well to eliminate surface (but not deeply penetrated) odors. Dampen the area with clean water and then sprinkle baking soda over it. Rub the baking soda into the soiled area and let dry. Brush or vacuum to remove the dry material.

2. Another option in the how to clean cat urine list is white vinegar. Mix together 1 quart warm water and 1/2 cup white vinegar, and dribble the mixture onto stain. Place dry towels over the stained area and put something heavy over the towels to increase the pressure. After some hours remove the towels and raise the nap of the carpet with a soft-bristled hairbrush. Note: Test the vinegar solution on a piece of fabric that is hidden from view - under the cushion or on the backside of the furniture.

3. To clean old or heavy stains in carpeting, consider renting an extractor or wet-vac from a local hardware store. The extracting/wet-vac machines works like a vacuum cleaner and do the best job of forcing clean water through your carpet and then forcing the dirty water back out again. When you use these machines, you should follow the instructions carefully. Note: Don't use any chemicals with these machines - they work much more effectively with plain water.

4. One of the newest technologies for cleaning cat urine is penetrate the soiled area and deactivate the odor with peroxide or detergents. Simply spray a product that consist a 3% hydrogen peroxide and wait about five minutes. After that use a clean white absorbent cloth, blot the area, pressing down firmly (do not rub) for 30 seconds. Repeat this blotting process until the area is dry. If the stain or odor persists, repeat the process.Once the soiled area is really clean, you should use a high-quality pet odor neutralizer. Test the affected surface for staining first, and read and follow the instructions.

If the area still looks stained after it's completely dry from extracting and neutralizing, apply a specialized stain and odor removing bacteria/enzyme cleaner, such as "Outright Pet Stain Eliminator," "Pet 'Oops' Remover," or "Stain Gobbler". Check out the online merchants and catalogers selling pet supplies.

Tips on how to clean cat urine from your upholstery:

When it is not possible to remove the cover of your couch or chair upholstery, observe the following cleaning procedures to get the cat urine out:

Dab stubborn stains with a soft, clean white cloth or absorbent paper towel. If solvents are required, avoid applying them directly onto the stain, and pour it onto a clean cloth. Clean the stain using a circular motion working from the outside inwards. After removing the stain, dry immediately with a hand held hairdryer using a cool setting. Take care to direct the air stream first towards the outside of the area working inwards. Always be careful to rub any stains gently and to use a brush with soft bristles.

Tips to clean cat urine from hardwood floors:

Remove any excrement and blot the entire wet area immediately and firmly with paper towels. Wash affected area several times with white vinegar. Rinse stain thoroughly with warm water. Blot dry with paper towels. Apply a specialized stain and odor-removing bacteria or enzyme cleaner (see above). Tip: Read the instructions carefully before using these products and test them in an invisible area. If you can not remove some old stains, try sanding away the stain and resealing the wood.

You must be extra vigilant about cat odor and attack the problems as soon as it occurs. Also you should remove all traces of the odor, because if the scent remains, the cat will do it again in the same spot.

About the author:

Matt Craine is the web developer/copywriter/creative guru for in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. is the Internet's leading source for online and print catalogs at

 Matt Craine

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