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Train a Cat to Listen

 Cats cannot be discipline as you would a dog. With a dog they are social dominant that can be trained to have you as the dominant one. The reason that cats will not react as a dog is that cats have social groups only by respect and social groups.

Physical punishment on cat will only result in the cat fearing you. So never, hit your cat or any physical punishment.

Train your cat to have appropriate behaviors and that they cannot do the inappropriate behaviors as you will not tolerate this type of behavior. Cats do not like surprises; an advantage that you will have on the cat, in order to be able to train by using surprise noises. Use clapping, firm voice "NO", hissing, or water bottle to have your cat stop the unwanted behaviors. For these to be effective you must do a surprising sound immediately when the unwanted behaviors are being done. Seconds later or even when you come home and find the unwanted behavior done is not going to be effective as doing it as soon as the cat starts the unwanted behavior.

Never rub the nose of the cat. Use the face push method, pushing the palm of you hand in the cats face. This is a great way to let your cat know that biting is not acceptable, if you have a cat that is biting. Simply push the cats face back gently, do not hit the cat.

Some behaviors will not be able to train. Childproofing might be the solution to that behavior. Small plastic container, keep the valuable breakables out of reach, find our of reach places for the dangerous items so your cat cannot reach and get into them. Make sure all items that the cat might be able to get on if there is a climbing or a jumping problem is secure.

Pet stores do offer assorted sprays, creams, powders, scents, and other items to help with the training your cat. Catnip is available in different forms to help with having your cat know some of it territory. Scat mats are mats that have very little current that runs on a battery. These are great for on the counter, couch, or anything that the cat has been jumping on when your presents is not in that room. Scents in sprays and creams for furniture, litter boxes and other item that help deterrent your cat from. So they will use a scratching pole.

Place fabric that is lose woven down, or netting cats does not like to have their nails snag. Rubbing lemon, bitters, cayenne pepper, orange peelings on items that the cat is not allow playing with. Put foil paper around plants so that your cat is not digging in the dirt. Cats do not like the feel or noise from the foil paper.

Toys for actives are also import for you to help with behaviors. If you do not supply actives for the cat to do you will not be able to train your cat. Toys with catnip in them are great, scratching poles, ropes, and hoops for jumping through. You can be crafty and make items that the cat would like to play with.

Starting to train a cat when it is young is the best way, this is the easiest with you and with the cat. Less stress, your cat will learn the good behaviors easier, and you can get a handle on the natural bad behaviors. Once of the best things to make sure that your cat is ready to train is take him to the vet for a check up and make sure he has had his shot. This is important; as if your cat is ill, you will not be able to train your cat. Also, for the groomer to maintain his fur and nails. Both of these are great to for the social part of training. Your cat will need to see these people on regular bases and if started right away, will help with the training.

Most of all Patience, love and caring for your cat will be a great gift that you can do for the training. They will love you back.

About the author:

Tony Robinson is a webmaster, international author and cat lover. Visit his website at

 Tony Robinson

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