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Ragdoll Cat History is Stranger Than Fiction

 The origins of Ragdoll cats are full of myth and controversy. This cat's history is often contradictory and confusing; some of the Ragdoll story is just not possible. Other parts we know to be factual. First things first: the Ragdoll cat breed started in California back in the 1960s. It was founded by a woman named Ann Baker. The very first cat of this breed was for all intensive purposes a regular cat named Josephine. Ann Baker noticed something special about Josephine and her offspring. She decided to breed for this characteristic. Ragdoll cats get their name from the fact that they go limp like a Ragdoll when held. Ann Baker went so far to trademark the term Ragdoll; anyone who bred Ragdoll cats had to pay her royalties to use the name.

It is for this characteristic of the Ragdoll cat breed that Ann Baker made her unusual claims. Josephine was once hit by a car. On one account Ann Baker claimed she had taken the injured cat to a local University to have her patched up; she asked the University to give her cat new DNA and this is why Ragdoll cats came to be. Another claim the breed's founder made was that Ragdoll cats feel no pain whatsoever. The reason she gave for this followed suite with her previous claims that the cats were genetically altered and that they were in fact, alien hybrids. Move over x-files, there have been alien-feline hybrids on earth since the 60s.

Other claims made about this breed of cat are that they felt no fear, they are the ideal cat for people with cat allergies, and they do not have cat instincts due to the fact they are alien hybrids. When it comes to myths about Ragdoll Cats , ragdoll history is truly stranger than fiction.
About the Author

Louie Latour is a Ragdoll cat enthusiast and founder of the site Ragdoll Cats which was established in 2005 to promote the Ragdoll cat breed. For more information about these unusual animals visit

 Louie Latour

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