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What Is The Best Way To Feed Your Cat?

 Think that your cat needs a fancy set of dishes to eat from? He doesn't. But, what he does need is something that is sturdy and durable and it needs to be easy for you to clean as well. Cat feeders and bowls should be cat-proof.

One type of cat feeder is a type that refills from a reservoir as your cat drinks from the bowl. These can be used to feed one cat for several days even. You can use these to feed multiple cats too. There are some disadvantages to using them though. For example an aggressive cat can easily prevent the other shyer cats from getting enough food. It is also harder to know just how much food the cat is eating so you may not realize if he is eating less than he normally does. This is an important sign that he's not feeling well and it can be a serious problem then. Cats that are finicky may waste a lot of food by refusing to eat it if it has been sitting in the feeder for too long.

Another type to consider is the automatic cat feeder. These have several compartments. The feeder's lid has an opening that will allow the cat to eat out of one compartment at a time. A battery powers it to rotate the lid using a timer so that different compartments are opened at the set time.

Cat owners who are not around for a long period of time should make sure that the feeders that they use are large enough to hold enough food for the entire time the cat is alone. This way, cats are cared for no matter what you are doing.

Cats who are territorial really do need their own dish. Then, you can feed the different cats at different areas of the house. When looking for bowls for your cat, make sure to look for those that can be put into the dishwasher as well as those that are not going to break.

Only have one cat? Then look at a combination feeder that holds two bowls one for each food and water. These allow you to keep the feeding organized and they are easy to clean. The bowls can be removed from the feeder to be cleaned.

Some cats are picky and for these you may need to choose a heated food bowl. These are a great way to provide local strays with water during the winter months too.

Make sure to clean the food bowls everyday. Put them in the dishwasher if possible after throwing out the old food and dropping the dish in the dishwasher. Don't leave the food sitting out as it can spoil. And, make sure to clean your cat's water bowl daily as well. Keep it full of clean fresh water.

When you do these things, you will provide your cat with a place to get their food that is clean, safe and keeps them happy. This can help you to have a well taken care of cat.

Following these suggestions will go a long way to keeping you cat happy and well nourished. She'll love you all the more for it, too.

About the author:

Best Pet Health Information is a resource that brings you information and news, tips and reviews about cat nutrition and health.

Copyright All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource

 Niall Kennedy

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