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Travelling with your cat

 Whether it be by car, by train, by airplane or boat, it's not always easy to travel with your cat. It is necessary to always arrange certain things in advance - the tickets, an adequate kennel, tranquilizers, and water - in order to assure him maximum comfort and avoid any irregular meowing during the many hours of travel…

Cat shows, week ends in the family cabin, or big vacations… For a civilized chat, the opportunities to travel are seldom missed. A worthy master who deserves to be called such will always plan ahead so that his animal experiences the transportation in the best of conditions. Certain animals are familiarized at a young age with transportation from one place to another, and they accept the situation perfectly, however others struggle with being moved around so much.

If the owner of the cat intends on staying in a hotel, he mustn't forget to find out if his feline travelling companion will be admitted (only 1 hotel out of 6 accept clients with their pets). In all cases, always remember this precaution: to always attach an identification tag to your cat's collar. A nervous and anxious animal will always run away quickly!

By Car

Even for a short trip, it is always preferred to use a kennel or cage. Nevertheless, is the cat is calm and reliable, you can always make an exception to the rule: the can will always be able to sit on the knees of the passengers, but the kennel must always be within reach.

If used, the kennel must be placed so that even sudden breaking, stopping or starting will not make it fall. Above all, never put the cat in neither in the trunk nor should he be left in a vehicle without sufficient air circulation or to much sun exposure, which could put him at risk for heat exhaustion. If the trip lasts several hours, give him water and let him out to relieve himself from time to time when nature calls. It's better to not feed him too much before leaving, which could cause car sickness. Certain cats are subject to this, so it is always prudent to consult your veterinarian, who will prescribe a medicine that prevents noxiousness and that won't cause drowsiness. If your cat is really irritated, seems uncomfortable or bothered, but is not vomiting, your cat will need a tranquilizer.

By Train or By Bus

Train and bus companies generally do not accept cat unless they are in there kennels. Certain ones, however, allow passengers to keep their cat on leash. The fees are usually minimal, consult the companies before hand.

By Plane

For cats weighing less than 5 kilograms, (a little more than 10 pounds), staying in the cabin is allowed if they are in a kennel. But each airline has it's own rules, and can not exceed a certain number of animals allowed on the plane. It is thus necessary to plan ahead to assure oneself a spot on board. In the cargo, cats travel in kennels that can be reserved or bought from the airline. The cargo is heated and pressurized so your cat will travel in good conditions. Nevertheless, he will suffer slightly without the presence of his master. In this case, it is better to give him tranquilizers to ease his anguish.

For fees included with the ticket price consult your airline.

By Boat

Ships are not usually well equipped for animal transportation. Usually, animals would travel in cages. In certain boats, animals are tolerated in the cabins. For a small sea voyage, by ferry for example, you can generally use a portable kennel. Once again, there are not rules, it is best to consult the company. Generally, the advantage of taking a boat instead of the others is the extra space. Your cat will be able to walk on the deck with his master. The inconvenience however is a longer voyage and seasickness, which most cats are prone to.

Foreign Travel

Whether it be Rome, Vienna or Athens, before taking your cat to a foreign country, it is necessary to know what vaccinations and documents are demanded by the country.

It's good to know that Air France has a database of information that indicates the formalities to comply with in whatever country. If not, you can always consult the embassy or consulate of the concerned country.

Most of the time, your cat will need to have a recent certificate of health, given by a qualified veterinarian. Some documents proving that your cat does not have rabies might also be necessary.
About the Author

Simply a Cat Lover

 EveLyne G.

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