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Reasons For Neutering Your Cat


Cats are warm blooded carnivorous mammals and they certainly feed on protein-rich meat. They are predators and hunters and they usually prey upon rats and mice. Cats are also known for their great fighting skills. Some can even win a fight against snakes. And cats survive in almost all climates and geographical conditions.

Historians cannot pinpoint nor describe the details of how and when the first cat was domesticated. What is known, however, is that domesticated cats have existed for more than five thousand years now. According to biologists, the modern domestic cat is either a direct descendant or a subspecies of the African Wildcat. And this is why the domestic cat belongs to the genus Felis. Some artifacts indicated that the domestic cats first appeared in ancient Egypt. Today, these cats have occupied all continents, Asia, Europe, and America, except for Antarctica. And they have evolved into over fifty different breeds.

Being one of the most popular pets in the world, cats are certainly not listed as endangered species. Female cats are also known to produce an average of three kittens about twice a year. Thus, the spaying and neutering of cats cannot hurt their world population.

A spayed and neutered cat will be to the advantage of the owner’s house. Cats that are not altered, especially the female ones, may just spray their urine in areas that they consider their territory. All owners of cats are too familiar with the obnoxious smell of the urine. And no matter how much cleaning one does, the smell can never be entirely removed, especially from carpets, beddings, upholstery, and furniture made of wood. The urine of neutered cats are less smelly and these cats may not even consider marking many territories in the house.

When not neutered, a female cat in heat will howl terrible noises at inappropriate hours, like midnight or dawn. The noises will be eagerly answered by male cats that howl outside your door. You will certainly lose your sleep. And your neighbors may not be too happy about all the racket. These cats in heat will be restless and will forget whatever toilet training you may have taught it. And such condition can last up to three weeks and occur three or more times a year.

Some cats who are not neutered may choose to roam far away from your house. This will cause you endless worry. And you certainly have reason to do so. Your cat will be facing cat fights and fast-moving cars. When in danger, dogs tend to run away. But cats stay frozen in its place. This is why many cats are run over by vehicles.

Neutered cats, on the other hand, will always stay in your house. They will be more content and less restless. They will also have longer life spans.

About The Author

Grace Palce is writing articles for pet meds 101, a comprehensive pet medicine guide Specialing in cat and dog medicine

 Grace Palce

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